Fig 1

ADULT: Wingspan 27 - 32mm (males) and 25mm - 39mm (females).  The forewings are generally brown with a reddish tinge and are marked with black and creamy oval/kidney marks. They also sport a bold creamy white branched basal streak from where the moth gets its name and which give it a highly recognisable appearance.  The hindwings are dark brown with a white fringe.  Males have bipectinate antennae whereas females have simple antennae.  LARVA: Generally grey in colour and feeding on various grasses and can be found from March to June. BEHAVIOUR: A day-flying moth with a tendency to feed on flowers such as Thistles and Ragworts.  They can be occasionally attracted to light.  HABITAT: Grassland, favouring acid upland pasture, moorland and downland. FLIGHT PERIOD: Single brooded.  June to September. STATUS: Resident.  Common throughout.

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